
How Mastermind Can Make You a Better Man and Father

Mastermind Groups are the ultimate edge to success, accountability, and community.


“I triple dog-dare you,” this is the ultimate dare someone can give you. It’s a dare you can’t really avoid, because if you do, you’re sure to hear about from your friends for a very long time, if not forever! As kids, we are held accountable by our friends because we care about what they think and, typically, they are looking out for our best interests (remember, I said “typically”). So, why as adults do we lost this “triple dog-dare” mentality? Instead of relying on our support system (friends) to hold us accountable, we puff our chests, hold in our doubts and think we can deal with life all by ourselves-no help needed. So, with our pride calling the shots, we trudge along, silently suffering as we live our lives without asking for help when we need it most.




This is a point where having a group of like-minded people to give you support and advice, or accountability would come in really handy. This is where a group, a Mastermind group, would provide answers when you can’t see them yourself. A Mastermind group is simply a small group of individuals with similar interests and goals gather together (in person or remotely) to discuss relevant issues and provide advice and support when other group members really need it most. It also allows for a no-judgement zone because each member (well, really, every human) has something they are struggling with.




When we go it alone, it’s easy to get frustrated and give up. But, if we have others around us who know what our goals are, we are more likely to stick with it because we don’t want to disappoint. As humans, we are made for community, so, pushing others out really isn’t natural. Leaning on others to give us the extra push when we need it may get us over the hurdles we come across when life gets tough. Groups like Masterminds provide this type of accountability and support and allow members to safely open up about their struggles.
While the triple-dog-dare may not be a very “adult” thing to do anymore, the idea is still relevant as we go through life. Just because we grew up, got jobs, had families doesn’t mean we still don’t need others to help us when we need it most. It’s not like a switch magically flips when you reach a certain age and you become all-knowing. The magic happens when we reach out to others, take a chance and change our lives. Mastermind groups provide this “magic” and move men forward.

WANT MORE INFO ON OUR MASTERMIND GROUPS?  Email me at [email protected]


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