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Finding Courage Through Fear with Tony Blauer

What You’ll Learn

10:22 Interview Begins

11:38 Growing Up

Tony Blauer talks about how typically when people know what he does, they automatically think he must have had a rough childhood and his surroundings led him to become who he is. But that wasn’t necessarily the case. He grew up in Canada, in a typical suburban area where the schools were safe. He wasn’t surrounded by violence. 

As he looks back he understands how important it would have been to understand why managing fear would have been different in growing up. 

18:55 The Psychology of Fear

Tony talks about how his training for him revealed to him a lightbulb moment. He recognized it was an element of fear and that struck him in understanding it to better teach and coach people.

The people who manage their fear, they manage to fight. This does not only apply to law enforcement or military training, it applies to every single human, regardless of their career.

24:20 Drawing Fear from Within

Tony Blauer explains that sometimes all you need is to acknowledge that the fear is there. Sometimes a coach will help you through it, but oftentimes, it’s important for us to be the ones who recognize it in ourselves and get through it.

26:00 Why Aren’t You A Rockstar

Tony narrates a story of how his guitar instructor was amazing at playing and he asked him why he wasn’t a rockstar? 10 years later, he realized that maybe it was due to the fear he might have had and not what he may have originally thought. 

29:02 Peeling the Onion

Tony talks to Ethan what peer pressure really is and how that goes back to fear and self-awareness. 

32:06 Tony’s Mission

Tony describes what he believes his mission in life to be is. He also narrates a couple stories related to Mike Tyson and George St. Pierre that you probably didn’t know about and will surprise you.

36:00 The Weight of Fear

Tony talks to Ethan about being afraid and tells him about some specific tips and things he can implement to beat that fear

Tony Blauer’s Links

  1. Album on our website
  2. Facebook albums
  3. Instagram personal
  4. Instagram training page

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