The Anatomy of Marriage Part 2: The Man’s Side

The Anatomy of Marriage Part 2: The Man’s Side

Today’s guest is Seth Studley, the other half of The Anatomy of Marriage podcast and app for couples. If you listened to the show with his wife Melanie, you’ll remember that their marriage was so bad that she ended up giving him a black eye.
For those men who are tired of fighting their way through marriage, this show is a game changer. Listen now or download for later!

The Anatomy of Marriage
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The Anatomy of Marriage Part 1: The Woman’s Side

Marriage expert and coach,Melanie Studley with us. She’s the cohost of the Anatomy of Marriage podcast and co-creator of the Anatomy of Marriage app. Melanie dissects the most common issues between a man and a woman. She tells us what our spouses really think and feel when we watch porn. Melanie also explains the underlying anatomy of a marriage and gives us a formula to communicate our needs and desires as men in a confident, calm and masculine way.
So simple and so powerful, don’t miss the pro tips in this episode!

Parenting ADHD and Autism with Penny Williams

Parenting ADHD and Autism with Penny Williams

Being a parent challenges us in every way. Parenting an ADHD or Autistic child is even more challenging.
In this episode, Penny Williams teaches the mindset and parenting skills, insights, tools, and strategies, to understand your child’s behavior and help them to interact with the world in the best way possible.
This show is a revelation for all dads and moms. Empower yourself with the training you need to be the parent you child needs!

accountability partner

Start Reaching Your Goals with an Accountability Partner

When it comes to committing to our goals, we often let ourselves down. We’ll sleep in instead of getting that workout in. We’ll give in to that junk food or extra beer. We’ll put off our big dreams for another day. No one will know that we didn’t follow through. But if we have to answer to someone else, the whole game changes. Today we talk about how you can start reaching your goals with an accountability partner.