How to Raise Money-Empowered Kids

How to Raise Money-Empowered Kids with John Lanza

What’s the right way to teach our kids about money? How do we create a system for chores and allowance that works? How do we show them to save and spend wisely? Today’s show is all about how to raise-money empowered kids, and you might be surprised at the tips listed in this episode with The Art of Allowance author, John Lanza.

When a Father Commits Suicide

When a Father Commits Suicide

Children whose father’s commit suicide have a 50/50 chance of being suicidal themselves. Today’s guest is Adam Schafer. He is a host on Mind Pump, one of the biggest podcasts on iTunes. Adam is not a dad, but he was the son of a father who committed suicide. Adam was seven years old when his dad shot himself, and the tragedy created a shock wave that still reverberates in his life today.

TDE Brian - A Father's Last Words

A Father’s Last Words

Our guest today is Brian Froneyberger. He battled stage 4 incurable head and neck cancer. Ten days after recording this show, Brian lost the fight and passed away. He was only forty-six years old. He left behind a wife, a son, and a daughter.

What you will hear today are a father’s last words. They are a gift to all of those who listen. No man knows how much time he has left. Brian bravely opens up about facing death, how it puts life in perspective, and what really matters most before the last goodbye.

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
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The Life-Changing Benefits of Practicing Gratitude

We all go through ups and downs, and it’s easy to focus on whatever is going wrong in our lives, but being stressed and worried all the time works against us. A negative mindset literally makes us dumber! But we can shift our attitude by appreciating what we do have going for us. Here’s how Dad Edge Alliance member Dwayne did it.