How to Teach Kids to Protect Themselves

How to Teach Kids to Protect Themselves

In this episode, we do a live Q&A with Adam Mitchell from Close Quarter Dad on how to teach kids to protect themselves. Adam answers questions about why dads should train with their kids, when they should begin showing them self-protection strategies, and how to teach kids to be vigilant, but not fearful.
This is a show every dad needs to hear to keep his family safe. Plus, look out for a special offer at the end of the interview.

Inadequacy, Insecurity, and Imposter Syndrome

Inadequacy, Insecurity, and Imposter Syndrome with Mike Kitko

Mike Kitko is an Executive Self-Mastery Coach, speaker, and author. After a colossal career and personal meltdown, he found his true purpose: inspiring leaders to find the power in their authenticity, purpose, and passion.
Today, Mike Kitko talks about how imposter syndrome ruled his life and how he overcame it. He teaches us how to cultivate self-awareness and diffuse the imposter before it sabotages our lives. He also tells us how to stop running from fear and start chasing our purpose so we can provide a loving, safe, and prosperous environment for our families.
Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? How do you defeat the imposter in charge? Find out in this episode!

How Dads Can Set a Powerful Example for Their Kids
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How Dads Can Set a Powerful Example for Their Kids

Today’s guest, Chris, is an everyday dad and one of our new members in The Dad Edge Alliance. He talks about the importance of being aware of how closely our kids are watching us and the messages we are sending them with our behavior. He also gives us his simple yet brilliant ideas on how dads can set a powerful example for their kids in small ways every day.

All You Have to Do is Ask with Wayne Baker

All You Have to Do is Ask with Wayne Baker

How often do you ask for what you need or desire? Whether it be in our marriage, workplace, or among friends, 77% of people have issues asking for help or advice.
Today we have Wayne Baker, author of All You Have to Do is Ask. Learn how the simple art of asking can unlock new ideas and solutions, help you get ahead faster and easier, and solve most of the problems that are weighing you down.

Bonding with Sons and Daughters

A Father’s Guide to Bonding with Sons and Daughters with Michael Gurian

Michael Gurian tells us the top three reasons why today’s kids aren’t connecting with their dads. He teaches us to discover our assets as fathers and how to invite our kids to utilize them. He also shares the neuroscience behind the differences between bonding with sons and daughters, and how we be the best father to each gender.