
Unleashing Possibility with Chris Lesso

Nothing is off the table when it comes to creating businesses and putting food on the table.

Chris Lesso is an expert at optimizing the power of drumming to elevate focus, confidence, and self expression. LTR (Life Through Rhythm) is an attitude and way of life, and it leverages drumming as a force to help you reach your fullest potential and live the art of possibility every day.

Chris began his journey early, drumming and playing piano at the age of 7 – and he’s never looked back. He has studied with world-renowned educators including Dom Famularo and Jim Blackley to name a few, and has traveled the world performing with some of the best in the business, while also leading his own band modus factor. Having studied all over the world with a ‘boots on the ground’ approach and seeking out the very best to learn from, Chris now distills years of learning to serve you on your quest to become your best self through drumming.

What You’ll Learn

5:00 Interview Begins

18:52 Leaving a Footprint

Leaving a footprint also means remembering that nothing is permanent, but that in that legacy you must leave the best of yourself in any sense because most of us are not aligned.

Because we are negligent with ourselves, our friends, our health and that will be the biggest regret

25:25 Lost in Routine

Many times we get lost in the routine and we are so busy that the days go by and turn into weeks where we don’t remember anything extraordinary. Larry and his wife were in a very busy week with their children but Larry had the idea of having small details and goals to not let the rhythm of the week absorb them and still have some things that would make it special for their whole family.

34:37 Silencing out chitchat

Here’s something about silencing our inner chitchat, then the ego and that’s when our creative self comes. You can start with 20 mins dedicated to doing just one thing.

38:08 Creating Possibility

Larry says that one day while talking with his wife about their retirement plans, she told him that they should not live their best experiences in the last chapter of their lives, that today they were healthy and with possibilities of living adventures even with their children. If you want to do great things, all you have to do is plan and execute them, and you can live everything you set your mind to.

45:50 A thought on Death

We all experience deaths, small deaths: for example, the person we were 10 years ago has already died, and today there is another one in its place. We are not permanent and that should make us appreciate the little things and people, because today they are here and tomorrow we do not know.

53:03 Anecdote

Through an anecdote, Chris tells us about a 15-year-old who suffered from anxiety and who, thanks to music (drums) and remembering that he is not alone, has taken charge of his life and is now very successful in what he does. He used the tools he learned with Chris to overcome his anxiety, isolation and depression, and is now reborn and a new and improved version of himself.

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