Ken Coleman – Find the Work You Are Wired to Do

Ken Coleman is the two-time bestselling author of From Paycheck to Purpose and The Proximity Principle and host of The Ken Coleman Show. As America’s Work Expert, he helps people discover what they do best so they can do work they love and produce the results that matter most to them.

Today, Ken Coleman shares insights on effective leadership in various life aspects, emphasizing the importance of serving unique needs at home and in professional settings. He discusses parenting challenges and rewards, especially with older children seeking independence.

The conversation explores evolving marriage dynamics, with Ken comparing effective marital leadership to ballroom dancing—leading with rhythm and synchronization. He stresses understanding and adapting to your partner’s needs for a harmonious relationship. Ken also introduces his latest book, “Find the Work You’re Wired to Do”, offering practical advice on discovering and pursuing one’s true calling.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Lead family with selfless service and intention.
  2. Consistency builds strong family connections.
  3. Embrace unique leadership styles in marriage.

What You’ll Learn

00:01:02 – Introduction to Ken Coleman

00:03:00 – Ken Coleman’s Career and Books

00:05:00 – Dad Edge Alliance and First Form Challenge

00:07:12 – Ken Coleman’s Childhood and Sports

00:08:47 – Family Dynamics and Activities

00:10:12 – Memorable Family Moments

00:12:51 – Fun Question: Favorite Kid

00:15:00 – Leadership in the Home

00:18:16 – Helping Kids Find Their Path

00:24:00 – Parenting and Independence

00:25:39 – Marriage and Leadership

00:32:23 – Sustaining a Long Marriage

00:40:00 – Staying Connected with Kids

00:44:11 – Finding the Work You’re Wired to Do


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