Shawn Stevenson on Fatherhood and Overcoming Childhood Obstacles

In this intimate look into the life of Shawn Stevenson, one half of The Good Dad Project Podcast, Shawn shares the reason he is so passionate about fatherhood and being part of this wonderful program. This successful author, entrepreneur, health and wellness expert (not to mention being “audio velvet”) takes us behind the scenes into his upbringing and the challenges he faced that brought him to achieve his best version of himself.

Charlie Brenneman

Charlie Brenneman: How to Live a Life of Excellence

Charlie “The Spaniard” Brenneman is a force to be reckoned with. He is a tough in every aspect of life…physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For the most part, we only get to see fighters in the UFC in one dimension. Meaning, we only get to see these elite athletes in the cage. What if we could get a glimpse of other areas of their life? What if we could learn about their grit and drive to succeed? What do they do that others won’t to get where they are today? Today’s show you will learn all about The Spaniard. He shares his childhood, views on grit, and what is most important to him as a father and husband. Sit back, brace yourself…this show is awesome!

jason mackenzie

Drunk to Monk by Jason MacKenzie

Jason Mackenzie drank for a long time. He drank to cope with his wife’s battle with bipolar disorder. He drank to cope with her suicide. He drank for years afterwards so he didn’t have to grieve her death. And he drank so he didn’t have to try to be the man his heart knew he could be. Jason Mackenzie submitted this article to the Good Dad Project from his own blog, The Book of Open. I have to tell you, he really opens up his world with this article. It’s incredibly impactful. Sit back, hold on tight…this article is a game changer.