Dr. Meg Meeker – Raising Resilient Kids

Dr. Meg Meeker is a dynamic and inspirational advocate for father-inclusive parenting, with over 30 years of experience as a practicing pediatrician. She is an international speaker, bestselling author of “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters,” and the host of the popular podcast “Parenting Great Kids”. She has built a social media community of 700k+ followers and regularly contributes to discussions on pediatric health and child-parent relationships.

Today, Dr. Meg Meeker delves into the societal challenges fathers face today, addressing negative stereotypes perpetuated by media and cultural narratives. She discusses the impact of these stereotypes on fathers and their children, advocating for a balanced view of fatherhood. Dr. Meg Meeker also provides practical advice, outlining the four key needs of children from their dads: Affection, Attention, Affirmation, and Acceptance.

The episode also explores the dynamics of marital relationships and effective communication between spouses. Dr. Meeker shares insights on how wives can empower their husbands and avoid undermining them, fostering a supportive partnership. The discussion includes the impact of social media on children’s mental health and how fathers can set healthy boundaries to protect their well-being.

Bark Dad Edge

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Set clear boundaries for effective fatherhood.
  2. Limit social media to reduce depression.
  3. Model disciplined screen use for children.

What You’ll Learn

00:00:00 – Introduction to Effective Fatherhood and Marriage

00:02:11 – Introduction of Dr. Meg Meeker

00:05:12 – Dads Have Everything They Need to Be Great Fathers

00:07:21 – Four Key Needs of Children from Their Fathers

00:10:18 – The Impact of Social Agendas on Fatherhood

00:15:07 – The Role of a Strong Dad

00:19:27 – Setting Boundaries and Non-Negotiables

00:25:13 – Empowering Kids to Make Choices

00:30:06 – The Dangers of Social Media for Kids

00:37:37 – Modeling Behavior and Creating Boundaries for Ourselves

00:43:21 – The Importance of Face-to-Face Interaction

00:46:09 – How Wives Can Empower Their Husbands


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