Larry Hagner – Valentine’s Day: The Hits, The Misses, and Making Love Last All Year

Larry Hagner – Valentine’s Day: The Hits, The Misses, and Making Love Last All Year

What if I told you that the secret to a thriving marriage isn’t found in a heart-shaped box of chocolates or an overpriced Valentine’s dinner? After years of coaching men and making my own mistakes, I’ve discovered that the real magic happens in those ordinary moments we usually take for granted.

Larry Hagner - Understanding Avoidant Wives and How to Reconnect

Larry Hagner – Understanding Your Avoidant Wife and How to Reconnect

In this episode, we’ll dive into the roots of avoidance and how it affects relationships. I’ll share personal insights and practical strategies to reconnect with your wife by leading with curiosity, creating a safe environment, and practicing patience. If you’re ready to move past the frustration and rebuild connection, this episode is for you.

Techniques for Deep Communication with Your Spouse
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3 Techniques for Deep Communication with Your Spouse

In this episode, we share three techniques for deep communication with your spouse. These simple skills will put an end to stress, arguments, and misunderstandings.
At the same time, they will create a space of connection, safety, and intimacy in your marriage. Don’t miss this short, incredibly effective episode!

karen brody

The Secret Language of Your Woman’s Desire with Karen Brody

Karen Brody is a man coach and bestselling author of Open Her: Activate 7 Masculine Powers to Arouse Your Woman’s Love & Desire.
Karen goes in-depth about how we, as men, lose our power in marriage, how we kill the attraction our wives have for us, and how we can understand our women better than they understand themselves.
You will have some major epiphanies during this show as Karen Brody reveals the secret language of your woman’s desire. Put this episode on repeat!

A Wife's Thoughts on The Dad Edge Alliance and Summit
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A Wife’s Thoughts on The Dad Edge Alliance and Summit

Today is a first. We not only have a longtime Dad Edge Alliance member on Thursday Throwdown, we have his wife! If you have been thinking about joining The Dad Edge Alliance or attending our Dad Edge Summit this summer but, are wondering how your wife will feel about the idea, this interview with Javier and Suzanne will show you what happens when a man finds his tribe.