The Easy and Effective Way to Budget for Your Goals with Jesse Mecham

The Easy and Effective Way to Budget for Your Goals with Jesse Mecham

Jesse Mecham is our guest today. He is the founder of YNAB (You Need a Budget) and is here to share his no-nonsense takeaways that ensure you effortlessly budget money for everything you need and want in life. This episode will show you the easy and effective way to budget for your goals so that you can live with less stress and make the most of the money your work so hard for.

Why You Should Never Leave Your Finances on Auto-Pilot
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Why You Should Never Leave Your Finances on Auto-Pilot

In our previous episode, financial mentor Damion Lupo shared some mind-blowing information about Wall Street. Most of us leave our money on auto-pilot or trust it to a financial advisor at our investment company. We don’t have time to examine our investments and how they are being managed, but not paying attention to our money can be dangerous. Today I talk about three ways we can protect our financial future right now.

Transcending Financial Problems Once and for All with Damion Lupo
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Transcending Financial Problems Once and for All with Damion Lupo

Is our money really safe in the stock market, IRAs and 401ks? Or is it best to diversify? What is it Wall street doesn’t want you to know when it comes to your money? Financial mentor Damion Lupo reveals the astonishing truth about how investment works to help us take total control of our money and transcend financial problems once and for all.