Larry Hagner – 8 Ways to Raise Resilient Sons

Larry Hagner – 8 Ways to Raise Resilient Sons

Today, in this week’s Friday Fatherly Fumbles, First Downs, and Field Goals, Larry Hagner draws from his decade of podcasting experience and 18 years of raising sons to address the critical challenges of raising boys in today’s world. He emphasizes how fathers can shape their sons’ future relationships by modeling respectful behavior toward women, particularly through their own marriages, while balancing essential life skills from education and financial literacy to physical fitness and emotional intelligence.

Drew Davis – Outdoor Adventures That Build Character, Leadership, and Connection

Drew Davis – Outdoor Adventures That Build Character, Leadership, and Connection

Drew Davis is the founder of Equipped Outdoors, a full-service guide company offering experiences in Arkansas, Colorado, and beyond. His company is dedicated to helping men engage with their families, experience God’s creation, and grow personally through outdoor adventures. As the Director and Strategic Value Executive at Oracle Health, Davis applies his leadership skills to both his corporate career and his passion project. With a Bachelor’s in Spanish, International Business, and Marketing, and a Master’s in Global Studies, his background includes extensive travel in Latin America for church work and teaching. A dedicated husband to Carissa and father of four, Davis integrates lessons of leadership, community, and discipleship into outdoor experiences, combining his unique blend of corporate expertise, faith, and outdoor enthusiasm to create transformative adventures.