Dr. Anna Housley Juster - The Dad Edge Podcast

Dr. Anna Housely Juster – Why Playing With Your Kids Actually Rewires Their Brain

Dr. Laura Hanson is a world-renowned expert in pediatric development and brain-based patient management, with over 28 years of clinical experience in neurology and behavioral treatments. She specializes in treating children with developmental disabilities, brain injury patients, and pregnant women, while leading innovative programs and conducting academic research to advance holistic mind-body treatments at the post-doctoral level.

Larry Hagner – 6 Lessons I Wish Someone Taught Me Before Becoming a Father

Larry Hagner – 6 Lessons I Wish Someone Taught Me Before Becoming a Father

Today, in this debut episode of Friday Fatherly Fumbles, First Downs, and Field Goals, Larry Hagner shares intimate insights from his personal fatherhood journey, emphasizing that parenting is a learnable skill rather than an innate ability. Through candid stories of his own parenting challenges, including moments of lost patience, he draws a compelling parallel to Navy SEAL training to illustrate how fathers can develop emotional regulation and composure in challenging parenting situations.