Larry Hagner – Be the First Man Your Kids Call When All Hell Breaks Loose

Larry Hagner – Be the First Man Your Kids Call When All Hell Breaks Loose

Today, in this week’s Friday Fatherly Fumbles, First Downs, and Field Goals, Larry tackles the crucial question every father faces: how to be the person your children turn to first with bad news. Through his unique two-part approach of “marathon and sprint,” he explains how our reactions to our children’s vulnerable moments become the deciding factor in whether they’ll trust us with future challenges.

Richard Taite – Save Your Kids from Addiction

Richard Taite – Save Your Kids from Addiction

Richard Taite is the founder and Executive Chairman of Carrara Treatment Wellness & Spa, host of “We’re Out of Time” podcast, and co-author of “Ending Addiction for Good,” who transformed his own 21-year sobriety journey into pioneering addiction treatment centers. Known for his innovative approach to addiction treatment and founding Cliffside Malibu, he shares his expertise on platforms like HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher and ABC’s Nightline while working to combat the fentanyl epidemic.