How to Raise Resilient Kids
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Hard Love: How to Raise Resilient Kids

Today we have Dad Edge Alliance member Daniel Nolan on the show. He is a self-confessed helicopter parent in recovery and the creator of the Hard Love Project. Helicopter parenting is when we hover over our children to make sure nothing bad happens to them.

We’re all guilty of this at times, but Daniel tells us how to raise resilient kids by challenging them to step out of their comfort zone and exposing them to life. He also talks about how we can design regular emotional, social, and physical challenges for our kids to boost their confidence and independence.

Wild at Heart with John Eldredge

Wild at Heart with John Eldredge

John Eldredge, author of the bestselling book Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul, is here to talk about our core needs as men and our constant quest for validation. He also shares life-changing insights on how to become a student of our child’s heart and interpret their experiences for them so that they can become happier, stronger adults.

GDP 134 - Becoming a Legendary Man with Nate Lind
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Becoming a Legendary Man with Nate Lind

My guest is mega-successful, 7-figure entrepreneur and thought leader, Nate Lind. Nate is a husband, a father, and the founder of Legendary Man. At the age of thirty-seven Nate has already experienced huge successes and crushing failures, to the point where he considered suicide. He is here to tell us about depression in men and why openness, vulnerability, and building a tribe are more powerful than the outdated lone wolf idea of masculinity.