Shana James – Honest Sex with Unbreakable Connection

Shana James – Honest Sex with Unbreakable Connection

Shana James is a relationship coach with over 20 years of experience, specializing in building trust and passion in relationships. She holds a Master’s in Psychology, certifications in DISC and Positive Intelligence, and hosts the Man Alive Podcast with 270+ episodes and more than 1/2 million downloads. She also has a TEDx Talk, ‘What 1000 Men’s Tears Reveal About the Crisis Between Men and Women’, and authored the books “Honest Sex” and “Power and Pleasure”.

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Jay Martin – Decoding Decisions: A Psychological Exploration for Fathers

Jay Martin is an investor and the CEO of Cambridge House. He dissects the minds of thought-leaders from around the world with expertise in money management, geopolitics, macro-finance, commodities, technology, and any emerging trends his audience should be learning about. His goal is to challenge the way we think and the way we invest, knowing well that this can improve our lives for the better.

Parenting ADHD and Autism with Penny Williams

Parenting ADHD and Autism with Penny Williams

Being a parent challenges us in every way. Parenting an ADHD or Autistic child is even more challenging.
In this episode, Penny Williams teaches the mindset and parenting skills, insights, tools, and strategies, to understand your child’s behavior and help them to interact with the world in the best way possible.
This show is a revelation for all dads and moms. Empower yourself with the training you need to be the parent you child needs!